January 6, 2020

Honolulu, Hawai‘i: The ACLU of Hawai‘i is pleased to announce the addition to its team of Shayna Lonoaea-Alexander, coming on board as Smart Justice Field Organizer. Her position is part of a strategic expansion by the local ACLU affiliate to build its capacity and reach in order to better protect and advance civil rights for all the people of Hawai‘i.

Born and raised in central O‘ahu, Ms. Lonoaea-Alexander is an activist passionate about rural community outreach and youth civic engagement. In her organizing work for the ACLU of Hawai‘i, she aims to foster deep community ties while amplifying the voices of Hawai‘i families and communities.

On joining the ACLU of Hawai‘i team, Lonoaea-Alexander said: “Far too many Hawai‘i families like mine have been impacted by incarceration. Smart Justice proves there’s a path forward – that our stories don’t end when the cell doors open, and they need to be told. I’m excited to join the ACLU team and do this work so our communities can know what it means to live in a fair, safe, and just society.”

Immediately prior to coming to work for the ACLU of Hawai‘i, Shayna was working as an activist in Wyoming. She proudly served on Wyoming Equality, NARAL Pro-Choice Wyoming, Wyoming Tribune Eagle Editorial Board, the Young Democrats of Wyoming, and Equality Hawaii. Her work included organizing the Wyoming Women’s March, Cheyenne Pride, the Wyoming Gay-Straight Alliance Network, and other statewide projects. She previously worked for the Wyoming Democratic Party, Hawai‘i United for Marriage, and the Hawai‘i State Legislature.

ACLU of Hawai‘i Executive Director Joshua Wisch said, “For the Smart Justice campaign to address systemic racial inequalities in the criminal legal system while reducing incarceration rates by 50 percent, centering the voices of impacted community members is essential. Their stories need to be told and I’m excited for Shayna to bring her organizing knowledge and experience to our team to help make that happen. I’m confident that – joining forces with local communities and other local activists working hard on these issues – she will help elevate the experiences and stories of the impacted people and move Hawai‘i forward.”