September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024
Marianita Lopez, Board President
Salmah Y. Rizvi, Executive Director, [email protected], 808-723-9794

American Civil Liberties Union (“ACLU”) of Hawaiʻi Board of Directors Passes Resolution Opposing U.S. Complicity in Israeli Actions

HONOLULU, HI – Residents of Hawai‘i are witness to the historical consequences of land dispossession, colonization, and cultural erasure, and have not turned a blind eye to the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people on their land. Activists in Hawai‘i have been steadfast in their advocacy against the United States’ complicity in Israeli actions, and for this reason and many more, the Hawai‘i State Legislature was the first in the United States to call for a permanent and immediate ceasefire.

The ACLU of Hawaiʻi Board of Directors acknowledges the civil rights and civil liberties violations that flow from the United States’ complicity in Israel’s actions and has unanimously passed the following historical “Resolution Opposing U.S. Complicity in Israeli Actions” in the pursuit of justice and peace:

  1. Whereas the United States (“U.S.”) government is complicit in the Israeli government’s genocide in Gaza, as well as Israel’s crimes of apartheid and occupation in the West Bank;
  2. Whereas American Civil Liberties Union (“ACLU”) past denunciations of human rights violations related to Apartheid South Africa and the Vietnam War are similar to this denunciation of Israeli actions;
  3. Whereas college students and professors on campus are being silenced and police have committed violence against such peaceful protesters;
  4. Whereas federal legislation that provides the Israeli government with military aid while it is committing egregious human rights violations against Palestinian civilians, as well as American citizens residing in Palestine, is hostile to ACLU values;

Therefore, this action is in line with ACLU of Hawaii’s mandate to protect civil liberties and civil rights. Israel’s war in Gaza cannot be divorced from civil rights in America. Consequently, the Board of Directors of the ACLU of Hawai‘i hereby adopts the following resolution: 

  1. We condemn the U.S. government’s complicity in Israeli action.
  2. We resolve that critiquing the war on Gaza should not be an exception to constitutional protections.
  3. We oppose federal legislation that provides the Israeli government with military aid while it continues hostilities against the Palestinians.
  4. We support calling for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages.

Adopted unanimously by the ACLU of Hawai‘i Board of Directors on September 11th, 2024. Listen to ACLU of Hawai‘i Board Directors share their perspectives on the resolution here:


The mission of the Hawai‘i affiliate of the ACLU is to protect the civil liberties contained in the state and federal constitutions through litigation, legislation, and public education programs. The ACLU is funded primarily through private donations and offers its services at no cost to the public. The ACLU does not accept any government funds.