Hawai‘i County Settles Lawsuit Over Pre-Employment Medical Testing
With a lawsuit settlement reached, Hawai‘i County will no longer force workers to submit to urinalysis, reveal private medical history.
With a lawsuit settlement reached, Hawai‘i County will no longer force workers to submit to urinalysis, reveal private medical history.
HB 321 was signed into law by Governor Ige as Act 241 on July 14th, 2015. Act 241 establishes a framework for medical marijuana dispensaries in Hawaiʻi.
Federal judge rules that County policy violates prospective employee’s constitutional rights.
The Medical Cannabis Coalition of Hawai‘i ("MCCHI") welcomes the enactment of Act 60, which voids provisions in Hawai‘i rental agreements that previously would have allowed eviction of a tenant based on their status as a registered patient with Hawaiiʻs medical marijuana program.
Honolulu, Hawai‘i: Advocates declare a victory for freedom of speech as United States District Court Judge Susan Oki Mollway entered a temporary restraining order (“TRO”) against Hawai‘i County.
Plaintiffs call settlement “A win for freedom of speech”
Read the settlement agreement: 17 Stipulation to Dismiss with Prejudice and Order